由美國知名基督徒音樂人Jeff Hamlin指導天韻合唱團,錄製的十首聖誕經典國語專輯。其中有精采的十部和聲、改編自韓德爾彌賽亞的「哈利路亞」現代版和器樂演奏組曲。
1. O come, O come, Emmanuel 2. It Came Upon the Midnight Clear 3. Joy to the World-Angels We Have Heard on High 4. The First Noel 5. What Child is This-Slient Night 6. For Unto Us a Child is Born-Hallelujah Chorus 7. O Little Town of Bethlehem- O Come All Ye Faithful 8. Go Tell It on the Mountain 9. O Holy Night
#阿哲聊天室 詩歌:
是愛 (另一種情歌)
最大的是愛 (永恆有約) |